jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013


I´ve recently presented my new track "Shadows" to the Academy Of Electronic Music contest, you just have to go to this site: http://www.academyofelectronicmusic.com/submittedtracks and vote for mine! 

I worked really hard on it and as a result I think is the best song I've made so far.
If you have any recomendations or feedback please let me know!

I want to see lots of these! :D

PS: Tomorrow starts Tomorroworld! I'm so excited! I will be talking about it during these three days and I will post the new songs that we may hear there. ENJOY!

New logo!

Some days ago I decided that I didn't wanted my "artistic name" to be WTK, so I decided to change it to my real name, Miguel Martín. I also made a new logo for my soundcloud account, tel me if you like it!

The photo of Deadmau5 was taken by RUKES, he is a really good DJ photographer (if not the best). He is always posting photos of really important festivals, check out his webpage!

The Chain Gang of 1974 - Sleepwalking

Love this track! It's part of the GTA v's VSO and it's awesome. Love the kinda electronic touch of the beggining :). This song has already bein remixed by Spacebrother and Boold Diamonds. I also really like their othe track "Niko".

Be sure to check out their webpages:

